Build a High-Performing Leadership team
Too many leaders fail because companies are not preparing them for the psychological challenges of leadership.
Our signature Leadership Growth Programme is a one-day immersive leadership workshop designed for leaders to deepen their self-awareness, build confidence in their authentic leadership style and reach their full leadership potential.
The programme allows leaders to learn exactly how to implement a consistent, evidence-based leadership approach across their teams and businesses. Together, we explore the behaviours and mindset shifts needed for leaders to grow in their effectiveness.
Learn about the five core elements of effective leadership in innovative organisations
Understand your unique leadership & team personality & values profile
Explore your core strengths, development areas and blindspots as a leader
Deepen your compassion for your team members
Understand the transformative power of coaching as a key leadership skill
Practice the Grow Coaching methodology
Learn how to have effective 1:1 conversations with your team and give & receive feedback
Gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental aspects of effective leadership and learn actionable tools and techniques to implement it effectively within your teams.